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Slabs of genuine polished stone (e.g., sodalite, Amazonite, amethyst, lapis, and multiple types of agate) puzzled together into an organic shape reminiscent of a rainbow mountain range.


Sourced from the scraps of a local gem shop, I search for slabs of stone with organic mountain-like forms and flat bottoms to puzzle together sculptures of mountain ranges. Prices reflect the cost, amount, and quality of materials as well as the time it took to handcraft each piece.


If you see a piece you like that is no longer available or that inspires you to want to collaborate on a specific design, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I love doing commissioned projects.


Approximate Dimensions: 6.25”W x 1.25”H x 1.75”D

“Pinnacle of Pride" Mini Polished Rainbow Mountainscape

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